Sunday, August 31, 2008

3:03 PM C. Ray

Our Mayor, the honorable C. Ray Nagin announced this morning that anyone caught looting will be sent to directly to Angola Penitentiary. Looters will not spend the night in jail in New Orleans. Looters will go "directly to the big house." It's a real shame that Mayor Nagin's words ring in my ears as irrelevant, as a bad joke, an unfunny spoof on a completely ineffective politician. The good people of New Orleans deserve better than Mr. Nagin. We deserve better leadership, especially now. We need real, effective, fearless, prudent, intelligent leadership instead of this caricature of a municipal leader. I think that any criminal, looters included, should be dealt with according to the letter of the law. What I don't agree with is this condescending language from a "leader" with such a bad track record. Unfortunately, Mayor Nagin has already failed the hurricane preparedness test. He's not just a lame duck. He's just plain lame.

C. Ray's actual quote goes thusly: "Anybody who's caught looting in the city of New Orleans will go directly to Angola [Louisiana State Penitentiary]. You will not have a temporary stay in the city. You go directly to the big house, in general population." *as quoted from

For the record, and for the sake of complete disclosure, I voted for C. Ray Nagin... twice! As is the motto of the the Anti Defamation League, "Never again!"

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