Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/10 Tuesday

AM - 5.5 miles easy
45:08 • 8:12/mi average
Reily to AP
8:00 start
65 degrees, humid
Boston (yellow c)

A very un-fancy easy run. I felt pretty good. I was relaxed and smooth. I was sweating profusely considering the moderate temperatures and overall beautiful weather. We'll see how I feel for mile repeats this evening.

10/18/10 Monday

5.37 miles easy
45:20 • 8:26/mi average
Reily to AP
8:15 AM start
67 degrees, humid
Boston (red A)

Good easy run. Nothing fancy. I'm still sore from the lunges last week and the concrete lifting/toting session for the slab of our new shed. OVerall a good run.